It’s Good To Give
In our world today, we are rapidly gaining clarity of what’s reality. We don’t mean Love Island or what some celebrity Z-lister had for breakfast. We mean the important things, the bigger picture, the things that really matter. We need to make positive change, not wait for it to happen. From the seed of a thought grows a tree of ideas; with enough of these they can become a thriving forest of change.
After a brainstorming session and an alarming amount of tea consumption (ethically sourced), we have come to present to you our promise to sow some seeds of our own.
We promise to donate 5% of the value of any design work that you give to us, to an ethical Charity or Good Cause of your choosing. So for every £ that you spend with us on Graphic Design, Web Design, Branding Design or Packaging Design projects, you will have the added “feel good factor” that a cause that needs it will also be benefiting.
It’s not because we are trying to look worthy or impressive. It’s not because we are posturing or full of empty promises. It’s because we believe it is the Right Thing To Do.
If you can’t think of a cause you’d like us to donate to, try one from your local community. If you still can’t decide, or genuinely don’t have a preference, then allow us to donate it to one local to us in Cheshire East. And of course, we will send you confirmation of their receipt of the donation.
We hope you are happy to be involved; lets sow some seeds and make a positive change.
Best wishes,